For now you won't see much difference between this blog and the previous one, but we'll have some new contributors now, and we are hoping for a higher rate of pulperiffic goodness coming out of here. Along with all the same sorts of assorted comments on swordfighting, management, dinosaurs, and so on.
There'll be more DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND goodness as well.
But let's meet our bloggers!
I'm Corey, better known round these parts as barsoomcore, sometimes writer, sometimes manager, sometimes teacher of swordfighting. I'm really tall. And I wear cowboy boots. That's probably enough for now.
On my left is Joshua, dinosaur expert (ish), deep reader of not very good books, and The Man Who Live In the Most Dangerous City In America!
And on the right say hi to Claudio, posting from the Southern Hemisphere, with an emphasis on the visual arts and appreciations thereof.